Saturday, November 13, 2010

A little bit of understanding.

I haven't written for quite some time now. I think I'm getting a tad bit dull in my writings. But never mind that. I'll try my best insyaAllah to relax your mind with this single paragraph ramblings. I know it's a boring topic but it seems that there are times that we need to remind ourselves that we are not all the same. Irregardless the of the fact that even if we are given the same opportunity to study, work or to earn a living. For sure the outcome will not be the same. A teacher can teach her 40 students English for example. But not every single one of her student will have the capacity to understand at the same time. Dude, our brains work differently. English might look easy to you but it sure isn't for me. For all that you know, the kid who understood English better might have come from an educated or an English speaking family. Technically they have the means of being very proficient in English. Whereas the other kid is vice versa. Generally, this is how we look at things. Knowing the differences in each one of us is not enough, you have to act upon those differences in way that it will complement one another insyaAllah. What I'm trying to say is, don't just sit there and bluntly say "This..this isn't right!", "You're not suppose to do this", "You're wrong. I learned from the best. Which means I am always right". Excuse me! What kind of attitude is that? You are breathing on this Earth out of Allah's love and mercy don't get yourselves all high and mighty. Yes, it's true we might not have the same capability to learn and understand things. Then help each other to learn and grow. It's good to have a healthy competition. But don't be too overzealous about it. If somebody is having trouble learning or getting through things put a brake on yourself, reverse and try to help them to move forward. Understanding others is not just about having sympathy towards their disabilities, its about going out there and putting yourselves in their shoes and see what will happen if you're in their position. Islam teaches us to be kind to others but Islam also teaches us to put our words into action.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

STUDY!!!! Sronok giler! ^_^

Here's a study tips for those who are willing to listen. Learn how to learn. your notes is not the only source of information. It's a useful tool for a run through, that's it. Nevertheless if you want extra information you must learn the right technique for finding it.

Firstly: BAca Bismillah ( for non Muslims in your own way)

Secondly: Keep an open mind (I mean REALLY open)

Thirdly: Understand the nature of each of the subject that needs to be studied

Fourthly: Here's the best part.. Learn how to learn. OKay, jangan terlalu bergantung kepada notes je. Luaskan sumber pembacaan. jurnal, thesis, kertas kerja, buku2 ilmiah.. bg sesiapa yg tk berapa nak pegang buku pun kita de alternatif. Internet. ok, di internet ni pastikan klu sumber pembacaan anda adalah wikipedia semata2 pastikan anda juga membaca reference yang berada di bahagian paling bawah wikipedia tu. yang ada lambang pdf kat tepi dia. bukak yg tu atau cari link2 ke website lain. Ini adalah untuk memastikan segala apa yg dibaca di wikipedia adalah tepat. Kalau anda tk suka membaca juga lagi... tkpe alternatif ketiga adalah youtube. anda blh mendengar lecture2 dari universiti terkemuka di serata dunia. cthnya jika anda nak dgr lecture berkaitan biology, anda taip biology lecture... bagi budak2 publishing yang nak mempelajari lebih mendalam tentang proses2 printing anda juga boleh melayari youtube. cthnya taipkan lithography process di ruangan "search" kemudian tekan "enter" keluarlah senarai2 video berkaitan lithography printing. Begitu jugak utk budak2 broadcasting. Kamera ape yang korang gune skrg nieyh? Sy tak tau kamera pe yg korang guna tapi kat youtube taip how to use diikuti dengan nama kamera yang korang gunakan. Begitu juga utk journalism, advertising dan PR. Dan tak lupa juga subjek ape sekali pun cuba cari insyaAllah jumpa. Dan alternatif yang terakhir sekali adalah utk menonton tv. Tp yg ni sy tak galakkan sbb rancangan yang korang nak tgk kat ASTRO ke ape mgkn timing dia tk kena dgn waktu study korang jadi jgnla yer. Melainkan korang der ASTRO decoder yang blh tekan rewind forward play pause ape sme tu. Haa yg itu tkpe. Sbb yg itu korang blh pilih rancangan apa yg korang nak tgk walaupun waktu siaran dia dah terlepas…

Fifthly: Senyum selalu. ^_^

Sekian saja penjelasan ringkas dari saya InsyaAllah. Sekali lagi kepada siapa yg sudi membaca dan mengamalkan silakan kepada yang ada cara tersendiri pun silakan, kepada yg tak mau pon tak pe. Saya tak berhak nak paksa kamu. All the best InasyaAllah